The media calls Ms. Lask “New York’s high profile Divorce and Family Law attorney.”
She represents high net worth clients, including surgeons, Wall Street executives and clients in the entertainment industry. She handles complex domestic relations, child custody, relocation cases, family court and appeals.

She has won her motions to remove law guardians- read one such motion here.
She saved many parents from losing custody because of false allegations against them. She successfully appeals cases and had criminal harassment and restraining orders dismissed that were falsely filed against her clients.
Her talent as a skilled courtroom litigator is appreciated by both clients and adversaries. Many cases are settled without a trial because of Susan’s keen litigation and negotiation skills.
(add Kardashian, Flom, Tom Cruise E! interview, Nj Governor McGreevey divorce (stated there she’s “high profile” and other cases)
(add video-mcgreevey divorce vid can divorce courts order employment” 6′)